With the introduction of latest technology, there is a need to better understand the systems and methods that are available for the fast and efficient transfer and storage of data between individuals, businesses and companies. In the beginning traditional Edi was only being used for the transfer of information. However, with the passage of time, internet Edi became an integral part of communication between different businesses and companies.
According to experts, following are the major differences between a traditional EDI and an internet EDI.
As far as the communication protocols are concerned, a traditional Edi requires a proprietary communication protocol, while internet Edi requires a standardized protocol TCP/IP. Traditional Edi provides rigidity to the business as it is limited to only the coverage area of VAN providers. Internet Edi, on the other hand, help to improve the agility of any business. Moreover, they are highly flexible and easily accessible, with a wide area network that is independent of any VAN providers.
A traditional Edi requires a high deployment and operation cost as well as high configuration expenses. Internet Edi has the additional benefit of lower deployment and operation costs as well as low configuration expenses.
Traditional Edi improves operational efficiency by providing access to data only in batched mode. This provides higher transactional security. While the internet Edi improves the inter-organizational co-operative relationship by providing timely access to the data. This results in lower transaction security.